
Friday, September 4, 2015

Labor Day Weekend Menu

If you are a planner, then you will just love that I have a Labor Day Weekend Menu all organized.
No thinking needed!  It's all right here!

We have a whole weekend of chores to accomplish.  I know, no fun, right?
I came home today to 3 cubic yards of mulch that the hubby thought we could spread this weekend.  He also figured we could trim some trees and bushes.  AND, he wants to finish laying the dining room wood floor.  Quite the kill joy. All stuff that needs to be done, so having a menu all ready takes one thing off my plate.  I figured you might have the same situation and would also like having an easy to prepare menu for one day over the weekend.

Start with an easy and refreshing drink.  Mint Lemonade Coolers start with a prepared lemonade and you just toss in some fresh mint.  Super simple and leaves more time for clipping those bushes or lazing on a hammock under a tree...not that I will have time for that.  :)

Mint Lemonade Coolers
Tender, key lime flavored chicken skewers for a fabulous main dish!
Love all the flavor!

Grilled Key Lime Chicken
Cheesy Garlic Biscuits go great with the chicken. 

Cheesy Garlic Biscuits
A refreshing zucchini salad is also a wonderful addition. 

Zucchini Salad
Finish the meal off with a S'more Brownie Cupcake.  Yes, pleeeease! 

S'more Brownie Cupcakes
 Dinner is covered!  Now more time for all those outdoor chores.  Time to get busy, busy, busy.  Haven't you noticed all the squirrels?  They are going crazy around here storing nuts which does concern me a bit.  So enjoy those last days of summer and get all those major outdoor chores done.  When they are done, you'll be able to enjoy fall and hopefully lots of Indian summer days.

Oh, don't forget to come back tomorrow!  It'll be the big burger reveal and you may be surprised!

Celebrate the little things that make life sweet,

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