
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Pumpkin Napoleons

I am super excited about this treat that is perfect for Halloween or Thanksgiving, yes that is creeping up pretty quickly.  BUT, I must tell you a little story first...

 We have a large pond behind our house with a lovely, meandering path.  So the hubby asked me if I wanted to go for a walk.  I love taking walks with my favorite guy.  It does seem like sometimes I just can't find the time.  Anyway, off we go just a couple of lovebirds strolling along on a beautiful fall afternoon with gorgeous colored leaves swirling around.  No sooner do I go to open my mouth to share something fascinating, I'm sure it was super important, that a moth flies into my mouth.  I start gagging and coughing trying to remove the insect from where he doesn't belong...the romantic walk comes to a screeching halt as try to hack out the bug.  My hubby looks at me with those eyes that say, "really?"  He jokingly offers to get a handful of pond water to wash the bugger down.  Ha!  Such a funny man he is!  Well, I did make it around the pond, bug stuck in throat and all.  Romance at it's best, right?  Don't answer that.  Okay, that's the end of my story.  Time to move on to the treat I'm super excited about because it takes only 7 ingredients...seasonal simplicity!

Pumpkin Napoleons are amazing!  
Just picture them on your Thanksgiving dessert table or bake some now to enjoy all 
October and November. 

Between those flaky layers of pastry lies a creamy pumpkin filling.
It's okay, you can lick the plate.

1 sheet of puff pastry
1 box vanilla cheesecake instant pudding/pie filling (3.4 ounces)
2 cups cold milk
3 Tbsp pumpkin pie filling
1/2 tsp cinnamon
caramel sauce and powdered sugar 
Defrost puff pastry according to package directions.  Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.  Unfold puff pastry sheet.  Cut into 3 strips along the fold marks.  Cut each strip into 4 pieces.  You will end up with 12 rectangles of puff pastry.  Place each rectangle onto prepared baking sheet.  Bake at 400 degrees for 12-15 minutes or until golden brown.  Remove from baking sheet and cool for 10 minutes on a wire rack.  Split each in half.  In a large bowl, whisk together instant pudding, milk, pumpkin pie filling and cinnamon.  Once well mixed and starting to thicken, place mixture into refrigerator for 1 hour.  To assemble, place spoonfuls of pumpkin pudding mixture onto 1 puff pastry rectangle.  Top with another puff pastry rectangle.  Dust with powdered sugar and drizzle with caramel sauce.  
Store in the refrigerator until ready to serve.

I love this combo!  The creamy filling has a light pumpkin cinnamon flavor and the pastry is always a favorite!  I am so not waiting until Thanksgiving to make this recipe again.  Who's with me?  Don't think that I am done with Halloween yet.  My crystal ball says there will be yummy goodies coming to the blog very, very soon!

Oh, and the bug?  Never did get it out.  Had to wash it down with a large glass of water.  I know you were concerned...thanks for asking.  Ha!

Celebrate the little things that make life sweet,

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