
Monday, July 20, 2015

Cherry Limeade Angel Food Shortcake and Blogiversary

Today is the day!
It's my 2nd Blogiversary!
I have to thank you all so much for following along and sharing your comments.  Sharing what I love to cook is just about my favorite thing and it makes me tickled pink that you are joining along for the ride!  So in the spirit of being tickled pink, check out these...

How fun do these look?
So cute and absolutely delicious!

Other than the toppings, the cake itself is made with just 2 ingredients!
Yep, you read right!

On my twitter feed, I had seen this cupcake recipe made using Sparkling ICE.  I just had to try it out.
I am not being compensated for this post, I just wanted to experiment with the recipe that Sparkling ICE had on their website.  Success!  Easy and tasty!

originally from Sparkling ICE
Ingredients to make 18:
1 box of angel food cake mix
1 1/3 cup Cherry Limeade Sparkling ICE (found in the sparkling waters aisle)
whip cream
maraschino cherries
lime zest
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Use cupcake liners in a muffin pan.  Beat angel food cake mix and Cherry Limeade Sparkling ICE on low speed for about 30 seconds.  Then beat on medium speed for another minute.  Pour the batter into the cupcake liners, about 3/4 full.  Bake for 15 minutes or until the tops are a light golden brown.  Cool and top with whip cream, a maraschino cherry, 1 tsp maraschino cherry juice and lime zest.

Each Cherry Limeade Angel Food Shortcake is full of flavor from the Sparkling ICE.  The texture is more dense than traditional angel food cake, in fact, it is more shortcake like.  I love 'em!
Choose your favorite flavor to create your own!

Happy 2nd Blogiversary to me!
Share the love by spreading the love!
I can't wait to see what year 3 brings!

Thanks so much again!  You all are the BEST!

Celebrate the little things that make life sweet,

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