
Friday, July 11, 2014

Eataly - The Sweet Side

So I told you about my visit to Eataly.  If you didn't catch that, check out Eataly the Savory Side.
But, what I didn't share was the sweet side to Eataly.
When you walk in, you are quickly confronted with all things sweet...making it very hard to venture any further.  I was strong and headed upstairs first.  I ate dinner upstairs and then ran, I mean quickly walked, back downstairs to explore all things sweet!  Can't you see why?

Yes, of each treat!

And a Nutella Crepe Bar!!!!  Where am I?  Crepe Bar heaven?

Made to order crepes...just like in Europe.  Delicious!

So we all dove into the mini desserts.  Check out what we got...

We all sampled one another's choices.  The verdict?  ALL FABULOUS!
Some had chocolate, some with mousse, some with cream...whatever was in them, they were deeelish!

Think you might not have room after dinner at Eataly?  Oh, you'll have me, you'll make room.

Eataly is such a fun and delicious place to sample your way through and experience a European market.  A definite must on your visit to Chicago.  Call me up and I'll meet you there!

Celebrate the little things that make life sweet,

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