
Saturday, May 24, 2014

Summer's Kick Off

Memorial Day weekend
is the official, unofficial kick off to summer.

Pools are open, regardless of the temperature and everyone is embracing all things summer.  I think I even heard the ice cream truck making it's rounds.


So this weekend as you gather with family, friends and neighbors over the grill, why not have a few fun outdoor activities for the kiddos...probably for the adults too!

Here are some favorite outdoor game projects I have gathered onto my Summertime Fun Pinterest Board.

Never tried it, but sure want to.  Wouldn't that be cool?  I wonder what the fireflies will think?

Outdoor Yard Twister???  Way cool!
Just Imagine has this clever idea.  Grab the spray paint and use a box as a stencil.  Let the fun begin!

Look at this from Mom Endeavors.  A simple ring toss game made from a pine base, dowels and nylon rope covered in duct tape to make circles.  You could paint it too!

Looks like your house may be the fun house on the block!
Hope you can try some of these last minute outdoor game ideas.

Celebrate summer's kick off and the little things that make life sweet!


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