
Friday, May 23, 2014

Shrimp Shack

My grandparents had a travel trailer and one of the places they visited annually was Key Largo in the Florida Keys.  I have such wonderful memories of catching hermit crabs that we would bring home in empty cool whip containers along with a jug of ocean water.  Unfortunately they didn't last very long...

We could get the freshest seafood down there; literally right off the docks.  My grandparents always seemed to know about these secret, hideway restaurants that you would probably never, ever venture into based on the outside.  They looked like total shacks and one such shack had THE very best peel and eat shrimp.  It was a total shrimp shack, but it couldn't be beat!  Beer boiled shrimp and honey buns...THE BEST!

Since this weekend is the official start of summer...I have been thinking about the shrimp shack.  What better way to kick off the summer by celebrating with some seasoned lemon shrimp?  Oh yeah!

The shrimp is so fresh and flavorful!  Add some pasta or rice and you are set.

I have to say that this would be fancy enough to serve to guests.  You could even use the seasoned lemon shrimp as an appetizer with some crostini.  Sure doesn't look like it came from a shrimp shack, right?

Wait to you see how E-A-S-Y this is to make.

2 lbs of uncooked shrimp, peeled
1 stick of unsalted butter
1 lemon, cut into slices
2 Tbsp garlic salt
1 Tbsp basil seasoning
1 Tbsp oregano seasoning

Place 1 stick of butter into a large roasting pan.  Melt the butter in a 350 degree oven.  Remove from oven when butter is melted.  Place lemon slices into the butter and top with the uncooked, peeled shrimp.  Sprinkle the garlic salt, basil and oregano on top.  Bake in the oven until shrimp turns pink, about 12-15 minutes.  Serve.

Lemon Seasoned Shrimp printable recipe

I love the lemon - butter combination!  In fact, since it is Friday...I think I will invite over some neighbors to sit outside on the patio.  Serve them some of the shrimp and a glass of wine or two.  Time to come out of hibernation and reconnect with neighbors you only see when you are shoveling snow.  Besides, they'll think I have been cooking all day!  Shhh...don't tell them the secret!

Celebrate the little things that make life sweet!

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