
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

May Day Ideas

I have to tell you...coming from a former Florida girl...May Day?
All I knew was that people danced around a May pole and that flowers were a huge part.  May Day in Florida meant HOT...that Summer was there, for sure!  Oh ye of such little knowledge and experience...
May Day is a BEAUTIFUL time of the year with Spring in FULL BLOOM!  Everyone is out and about and planting flowers as well as items in their garden and praying that we don't get a freeze whereby all Midwesterners scurry around covering every last things with plastic...not pretty, but effective.

So let's celebrate May Day and all things Spring.
The tradition is to hang some pretty flowers on a neighbor's door.  Here are some cute ways to do that...

Akers of Love just attached ribbon and a cute note to the flower pot.

Tater Tots and Jello used strawberry baskets and a ribbon.

Babble created a cone to hold the flowers.  Just attach the ribbon.

I don't think anyone does much with May Day anymore, so you be the one!  Go get some fresh flowers and drop them off at a neighbor or friend's house just because.

Celebrate the little things that make life sweet!


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