
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Beatrix Potter Garden

Do you know who that is?  Let me give you a clue...

How about this picture?  Recognize these adorable bunnies?
Yes, that is Beatrix Potter the English author of those children's stories about Peter Rabbit.  Remember that? All the trouble Peter Rabbit would get into with Mr. McGregor and his garden.  I loved those books!  I too sometimes feel like Mr. McGregor, trying to keep those bunnies out of the garden and away from my veggies.  But, then I picture them all like Peter Rabbit who is just trying to get a little nibble of those delicious vegetables.  Anyhow, there is a wonderful book out called Beatrix Potter's Gardening Life by Marta McDowell.

The author tells about Beatrix's life, the plants and the places that inspired all the adventures about Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail and Peter.  It is filled with Beatrix's sketches and watercolors of those wonderful gardens she created in her books.  Quite a gardener's delight!

What a great idea for the gardener in your know Mother's Day is just around the corner (hope my family is reading this post...always good to give them some ideas).  The book really gives you some inspiration on creating your own Beatrix Potter like garden, choosing plants that will self-sow so that you will have new seedlings popping up in the years to come.  And the next time you see a bunny in your garden, you may picture Peter Rabbit and gently coax him away from your veggies.  :)

Hope you are out and getting your garden ready for planting!  Tell me about what you like to plant...

Celebrate the little things that make life sweet!


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