
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Word Art

I love to give and receive home-made, personalized gifts. So when I learned more about word art, a few months ago, I knew I needed to try it out.
There are numerous free programs on line where you can create your own design using words.  BTW, you need to make sure you have the latest version of adobe acrobat or the programs won't run.  I used , but have been having difficulty with it lately.  A couple of other creative sites include and

Both of those programs do really fun things with words and each program walks you through the process.  Easy, right?  Basically you enter in a series of words. The more you input a key word, the more pronounced it is within the design.  You can choose colors and shapes.  There are cloud shapes, spirals, hearts, name it!  It is such fun to just test it out and see what you create!

I created one for each of my daughters.  One was centered around the school she is attending this fall as you can see above.  The other one (not pictured) was centered around my daughter's hobby of playing the cello.  The possibilities are endless!!!  Pick a theme of words and your color scheme!  Type the words within the program you want to use, print it out and add a frame.  Remember, if you have a few words that you really want pronounced within your design, type them in many times, in order for them to really stand out.  My daughter even made several different college themed ones for her friends' graduation parties.  Very personalized!!! 

Here are some more examples from word art sites.



 This last one was created on  You only input one word, but then you "graffitize" it.  Way cool!  You can control the colors, the graffiti technique and you can even pick out the background like a brick wall or a subway car.  You get it, someplace where you would typically see graffiti.  Again, pretty fun!  Print it out and put it in a frame.  Instant art and would look great in a dorm room or child's room.

Aren't these fabulous!  What wonderful, personalized, inexpensive gifts you can make.  We even created one for my dad using adjectives his grandchildren thought described him.  Hilarious, yet so heartfelt!

If you want to remember a vacation, your love for someone, a wedding, a hobby, a 50th anniversary or just for fun.  Check out one of these programs and see what you can create.

Take time to celebrate the little things that make life sweet!


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