
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Just Say Yes!

A day filled with no's!  Ever had one of those?
Work: No, you may not throw food across the lunch table!
No, you may not use the math manipulative links to chain up your friend!
No, you may not eat the glue stick!
No, it isn't lunch just got to school!
(Can you tell I work with children?)
Home:  No, you cannot have unlimited data on your iPhone!
No, you may not leave your shoes in the middle of the floor so your mom can trip on them while carrying groceries!  Grrr...
No, I cannot take you to the mall!
No! No! No!
Ever get tired of saying that two letter word?
How about just saying yes?
Say yes to a Summer Spinach Strawberry Salad! has the recipe for this cool, sweet salad that you will definitely say yes to.
Here we go...
Gather together 5-6 cups of cleaned spinach, 2 cups strawberries that have been cut to bite size, 5 oz Gorgonzola cheese, 8 strips cooked, chopped bacon, 1/2 cup dried cranberries and 1/2 cup chopped pecans that have been toasted.
Toss all together.
For the sweet balsamic dressing, whisk together 1/2 cup vegetable oil, 1/3 cup sugar, 3 Tablespoons balsamic vinegar, 1/8 teaspoon of dry mustard and a pinch of ground pepper. Keep whisking until blended. Drizzle on top of the salad.

The salad just bursts with flavor and texture in every bite!

Celebrate the little things that make life sweet, like just saying YES!



  1. Perfect for the hot end of summer days we've been having!

  2. It has been hot! I did hear cooler temps are on the way just as we celebrate Labor Day which marks the end of summer around here. But, I am sure we will still have some Indian summer days!
