
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

"Egg"ceptional Egg Dyeing Ideas

 One of my favorite bunny stories is
The Country Bunny and The Little Gold Shoes by DuBose Heyward.  The story tells the tale of a simple country bunny mother of 21 children.  (Can't you relate?  Don't you sometimes feel as if you have that many???)  Anyhow, the story goes on to show how she becomes an actual Easter bunny by delivering the most beautifully decorated egg to a sick boy high up on a mountain.  It shows how through humble beginnings and hard work you can achieve something great!  A pretty good moral, don't you think?  I loved this story as a kid.  Such an insight into the world of bunnies, Easter bunnies to be more specific, and really fed into my imagination.  So of course, I shared this book with my girls when they were young and continue to pull it out every Easter season, regardless of their age.

As I brought that book out from my treasure zone (the basement), I thought I would share some "egg"ceptional Easter egg dyeing ideas out there.  This way you too could have the most beautifully decorated eggs like the country bunny!

SAS Interiors used warm, hard boiled eggs and drew on them with crayons.  The heat from the egg melts the crayon and helps to create these really cool swirly patterns.  They dyed the eggs first and then added the crayon embellishment.  You could just do the crayon part or both.  Either way, beautiful!

So if you aren't into using real eggs...have no fear!  There are some clever plastic decorating egg ideas out there too!

One of my favorite bloggers, Leigh Ann, over at Your Homebased Mom seals the plastic eggs with Washi Tape.  Washi Tape has so many pretty Spring patterns that would look just adorable on colorful eggs.  Just fill the eggs with goodies and seal with the tape.

Aren't those "egg"ceptional?  Brown Paper Packages has the complete directions.  After hard boiling eggs and letting them cool, it's time to use some modge podge.  Pick out some pretty Spring colored paper napkins and modge podge them to the eggs.  The result:  BEAUTIFULLY decorated eggs.

You are never to old to decorate eggs!!!
Try some of these different yet "egg"ceptional ways to dye your eggs this year.  I bet they will be good enough for the Easter bunny to deliver with special care!

Celebrate the little things that make life sweet!


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