
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Cabin Fever!!!

Cabin Fever is setting in!!!
Calendar says Spring, but we just aren't there yet.  Living in the Midwest, it takes awhile for the weather to match what the calendar declares.
I so want to get out into the garden and it is just too early to do so.  Boo, hoo...

So when not working or cooking or dreaming of warm activities...I started looking around the inside of my house and decided I need to redecorate!  Do you ever do that?  Well, I  can't go buy all new furniture...well I could, but my husband would hate me forever.  Do I really want to paint?  No...too much work.  But there are simple things I can do to give my room a "facelift" and won't cost an arm and a leg.  One of those things to do is to create some new artwork for my walls and there is a TON...I mean A Ton...of free printables out in cyber world.

Check this out...

Free kitchen printables over at Over The Big Moon.  Wouldn't those be a cute addition?

How about creating customized monograms...for free?  Check out For Chic Sake to create your own.

Inspirationationl printables can also help a redecorating endeavor.

How cute this would look in an entry way.  Just a little pick me up about loving the journey.  The 36th Avenue has a few printables about life not being a race and enjoying the moment.  There are also a few other kitchen printables you might like too.  Make sure to click on over.

If you have been experiencing cabin fever, and are feeling like you want to redecorate too...spruce up those walls.  After all, it's been months, and I mean months, staring at them.  They are due for something fresh!

What are some of your ideas for a quick, fresh redecorating update?

Celebrate the little things that make life sweet!


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