
Monday, February 3, 2014

The BEST Winter Idea!!! A Soup Swap!

So yesterday, according to the official groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, there will be 6 more weeks of winter!
Do you believe it?  Oh no is right!  Winter has been brutal this season!!!
Cabin fever set in weeks ago!!!


One of my favorite bloggers, Hoosier Homemade had this absolutely fabulous idea...THE BEST WINTER idea!!!  A Soup Swap!

I have heard of cookie swaps, but one with soup?  Why hadn't I ever thought of that!  Well Liz of Hoosier Homemade did!  It is FABULOUS!!!

Check it out...

So, what you need to do is to round up 6 of your friends who are experiencing cabin fever.  Each guest, include yourself, will need to bring 6 freezer containers of their favorite kind of soup.  Usually that means doubling a favorite soup recipe.  You, as the host, heats up one of each kind of soup for everyone to sample together.  The other soup containers will be take home soups so that each guest, including yourself, takes home 5 containers of soup.  Pretty cool, huh?  Actually I should say pretty HOT, right!

You can provide some fun toppings like fresh bread loaves, crackers, cheese, corn bread or even baked parmesan disks.  Check out Pocket Change Gourmet for some great soup topping ideas!

This winter has been brutal!!!  But a soup swap could be a really fun way to kick that cabin fever in the rear!

Celebrate the little things that make life sweet!


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